Myanmar Greenland Single Origin Coffee
Green Land is one of Myanmar’s largest coffee plantations, starting out as 30 acres with a rapid expansion in the first three years to becoming over 580,000 coffee trees grown on 450 acres. The main variety grown is known locally as Costa Rica, though in reality is a Catimor from Costa Rica. Sl34 forms around 10% of the farm but U Sai Wan is also conducting experiments with Yellow Bourbon, Caturra and Catuai too. Shade is too heavy to produce great quality in some areas of the farm, and Rust has already started in the older trees, so these areas are forming the focus for the immediate future.
Whichever way you decide to brew this coffee, you can expect a distinctive profile, with its creamy body and nutty aromas, this bean makes for a delighful smooth cup of coffee with a slight tangy acidity.
Origin: Myanmar
Production: Pyin Oo Lwin - Green Land Estate
Bean Variety: Catimor
Strength: 1/5
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Hazel, Nougat
SCA Score: 84
Process: Washed
Harvest Periods: January - March
Altitude Grown: 1100-1250 metres
Brewing Methods: Espresso Machine, Pour Over, Drip Machine, Moka Pot, Aeropress
Shipping Info
All orders are dispatched via Royal Mail, please allow 2 to 3 business working days.